More than any one storytelling format, I'm obsessed with the power of story itself. Over the past two decades I've told stories about everything from migrant worker centers to maximum security prisons to the Ecuadorian Amazon. I've followed people and families over years and over decades, tracing their storylines through time. While some of my work relies on a single storytelling format, I especially love blending photography, interview, and audio all together. In my endless chase to capture and savor the magical moments of our lives, I'm as taken with the changing tenor of a child's voice as I am with her growing shoe size.

Each day we wake up as people we've never been before. These three sisters were small children when I made the story below almost a decade ago. Every time I watch this story, they still are.

Wedding stories are one of life's great stories.  And there are so many more. If you like the story here, take a peek below to see some of the stories I've done in the past and some that are coming up in the future.

Three Sisters

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