A Very Special Mother’s Day Giveaway

This year, I’m giving away one of the most meaningful gifts one can give. A personalized heirloom book or film to an amazing wonderful mother. The monetary value of these projects is in the $5k- $10k range. Please contact me directly to purchase one. Or enter here for a chance to win one for free.


How does it work?

Please take a look here to understand more about how these projects work. The winner of the giveaway will end up with his or her choice of either a film or a book for that one amazing mother.

Who can enter?

To enter you must know a mom who is amazing, and at least one person who is willing to tell me why (most frequently her children). The narrator(s) of the book or film can be any age, child or adult. Are you the amazing mom in question? Enter for yourself, or get someone who loves you to enter on your behalf. Are you a dad or partner to an amazing mother? This is pretty much the best gift you could ever give.

Can I enter if I/the mom isn’t local to the Bay Area?

Yes! Interviews can be done remotely and we can work with photographs you have if you have a good set or, if your mom will be in town sometime in the year to come, we can schedule it then. Although it's a little more difficult, it is not impossible to do stories about/for distant moms.

How do I enter?

To enter, tell me below why the mom you are nominating is amazing. Does she have an amazing history? Was/is it amazing growing up with her? What is she like now? Don’t be shy with details - the more the better. Essays, while not necessary, are completely permissible. Just by sharing the stories of amazing mothers everywhere, we participate in the wonderful celebration of extraordinary mothers around the world, a wonderful gift for them and for us.

How will the winner be chosen?

I will choose the winner from the entries. The more I know about how amazing the mother is that you nominate, the stronger your entry will be.

When will the winner be announced?

The winner will be chosen and announced on Mother’s Day - May 9, 2021.

This is so cool! Can I share it with my friends?

Absolutely! As you may have guessed by now, the point of this giveaway is not only to give away one amazing gift, but to spread love and appreciation for moms far and wide. So share away. I’ll be sharing some of the entries too, so stay tuned to hear some amazing stories.

Questions? Just email me at julie@juliekaykelly.com.


Snippets from entries so far:

“I always knew that my wife would make an amazing mother. But seeing her actually raising our children is really more than what I ever could have imagined. She is the rock of our family, the one who holds everything together.” M.N.

“My mother came to this country from Iran when I was two. She wanted me to grow up somewhere safe, but she always made sure I stayed connected to my heritage and culture. My nuanced view of the world comes so much from her wisdom and beliefs.” T.N.

“All of my friends agree that my mom makes the best banana bread they have ever eaten in their entire lives. To this day, people ask me about my mother and her banana bread.” R.K.


I can’t wait to hear about all the amazing mothers out there, and for a joyful burst of celebration.

To honoring and celebrating the best things and people in life.



Questions about commissioning a piece? Please email me directly at julie@juliekaykelly.com

Want to be kept in the loop about future storytelling giveaways, opportunities, and projects? Enter your e-mail here and I’ll make sure you’re the first to know!